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NetCooperate is a software package for determining host-microbe and microbe-microbe cooperative potential and is available as an online tool and as a Python module.



» NetCooperate>Web

  Determine the Cooperate set of a network online.

» NetCooperate>Python

  Download the Python module to add NetCooperate's functionality to your custom analysis programs.

» NetCooperate Manual

  Learn how to use NetCooperate in your analysis.

Trying it out? Check out our example networks.



NetCooperate is a web tool and a software package for determining host-microbe and microbe-microbe cooperative potential. It specifically calculates two previously developed and validated metrics for species interaction: the Biosynthetic Support Score (BSS; see Borenstein and Feldman, 2009) which quantifies the ability of a host species to supply the nutritional requirements of a parasite or commensal species, and the Metabolic Complementarity Index (MCI; see Levy and Borenstein, 2013) which quantifies the complementarity of a pair of microbial organisms’ niches. NetCooperate takes as input a pair of metabolic networks, and returns the pairwise metrics as well a list of metabolic compounds complementary between the two species.



Roie Levy, Rogan Carr, Anat Kreimer, Shiri Freilich, and Elhanan Borenstein. NetCooperate: A network-based tool for inferring host-microbe and microbe-microbe cooperation. BMC Bioinformatics, 16:164, 2015.

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Interested in joining the Borenstein Lab? You are welcome to contact us.

Blavatnik School of Computer Science, Check Point Building, Room 243

Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences, Room 706

Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv 6997801, Israel


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